maandag 14 maart 2011

Let's slip out of the meat mode

♫ ♪ The Smiths - Meat is Murder

Let's face it, going veggie isn't all that easy... a lot of those vegetarian meat imitations are really unfulfilling for people who love their tender juicy steaks. But since I care about the environment I've made it my duty to try every meat imitation out there and separate the good from the bad.
Here a little selection of my favorite meat alternatives ( not all of them are meat 'imitations')

1) The one thing you'll always find in my shopping cart is Quorn's Florentine: a wonderful sandwich filling with italian herbs

2) Quorn Lasagne:
two options:

- Buy it ready-made:

- make it yourself with

( in my opinion this last one only tastes good combined with a rich sauce)

3) One thing I really love is Hummus, not only because it's a good substitute for meat but also because of it's creamy-ish texture, which always makes me feel as if I'm eating something greasy with lots of mayonaise.... so it's great if you're in the mood for fatty food and your diet doesn't really allow you to have a greasy burger with french fries and lots of mayonaise.

you can find a great hummus recipe in one of our earlier posts

4) let's not forget about an old time classic: split pea soup with rye bread

5) Garden Gourmet's Toscane Burgers: these are filled with mozzarella, basil and sundried tomatoes

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